I am a certified therapist of In-Depht Cellular Music Therapy, which I combine with the Traditional Chinese Medicine – specifically with its diagnostic methods, nourishing according to five elements dietetics, also phytotherapy, acupuncture and elements of qi gong.
I consider myself a fulfilled individual, as after many years of persistent searching, breakthroughs and life meanders I finally can devote myself truly and successfully to my two greatest passions: music and medicine.
It is a great experience to use at work the method of In-Depth Cellular Music Therapy. Dealing with sound which accompanies us from the very beginning of our existence has a unique influence: it soothes our nerves, calms down the rush of thoughts, heals the pain of body and soul, uplifts and – at first barely perceivably yet with time more and more pronouncedly – triggers the chain of positive changes both in our health and life.
The In-Depth Cellular Music Therapy method incorporates elements of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. In order to be able to use truly to the full this fascinating, logic and multidimensional medical system, which enables to cure efficiently many diseases, I have been studying hard for a few years now – as a student of Institute of Chinese Medicine and Health Prophylaxis in Cracow/Avicenna Institut, France and by attending courses and seminars of TCM which concern diagnosis, dietetics, phytotherapy and acupuncture according to TCM. In addition to that I have been practicing Taiji (Tai Qi Chuan) and Qi Gong for a while now, as they are also one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine and they have a great impact not only on our body but also on our psyche and overall well being.
I am successfully using this knowledge on everyday basis as since 2010 I have been running my private practice of health aid and health prophylaxis.
Treatment according to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles is astonishing in its efficiency in reaching to the very root of malfunctions. While setting up patient’s individual treatment, addressed to the specific person, the TCM therapist does not glide on the surface of the problem, focusing mainly on treatment of symptoms but is able to identify the nature and cause of health impairments which manifest themselves in the processes that are running in the organism and once the diagnose is completed – he starts a focused action in order to eliminate them by restoring the organism balance – not only on the level of body - a physiological one - but also on the level of mind, emotions and even in the plane of overall patient’s life situation. It is an efficient way of supporting not only the process of healing and regeneration but it also is a system of a wise and versatile health prophylaxis.
Method that I use can be applied for individuals varying in their age and health condition. During the procedure it is also of no importance whether someone has a perfect pitch or just represents the Level 1 Musicality (i.e. can only tell if „yes, they play now” or “no, now they don’t”), because the sound shall reach all the levels of our existence anyway and positive changes will simply emerge, no matter how sensitive the hearing of an individual might be.
My private practice is called - SALUS PER SONUM, which in Latin means “Health Through Sound”.
Everyone who would like to experience how our body, mind and soul understand this motto is welcome to visit my practice.